Wednesday 27 April 2011

week 25 Project Review, Risk assessment and other stuff

hello there for all those who wish to read my latest update on whats been going on at my noise solution as you all know or haven't known ive been on holiday and im now back fully refreshed ready for music and my project for that matter. today we recorded vocally my overall report on how i think the project has gone which went well if you wish to hear click the play button below.

we also took a look at the risk assessment for the studio i work in for my next part of the project the leadership task where i shall be tutoring my mother. me and my mentor went over all the risks and i fully acknowledged all risks and hazards including fire exits and health and safety.

Here is our assessment

we also looked at the weeks that i have to teach in and talked about that in this we talked about the structure of the sessions.

I also had ago with one of my tutors inventions being able to mix and play with sound via a wii remote i think its an awesome idea because a wii remote uses bluethooth in order to connect to certain things including a computer once connected it converts its transmissions to midi and then after with musical computerised sounds involved the worlds your oyster you can tell the remote to read and play different sounds to how you hold the remote including the numchuck which i think is a good idea because it enables people who struggle to create or play music to have the chance to have ago at making music