Hi there folks and this is my - - week at the noise solution. Today I've been fairly busy recording a live take version of "maggie may" the song written by rod stewart. i struggled with the first couple of takes because i got tense and because i was stood up for some time playing the piece my arms and legs started to ache and i gradually went out of time it was ether that or id play the wrong notes. this has happened to me in the past and it happens alot more when im recording certainly if your with a band and everyones relying on you. However i didn't give up and i took a short break i also drank some water rejuvenating myself and then i came back loosed up and then after all of this i managed to successfully perform the piece we were all hoping for it, was all in time sounded great and i felt like id differently overcome a barrier. id like to say a big thanks to simon my tutor for putting up with me in the session but we got there in the end.
Igor plays the Organ
A ghostly apparition
Freddy s track - Maggie May - organ and drums only