Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Week 23

hi there and if your viewing my blog this is week 23 of noise pollution and about how todays session went well firstly we discussed looked the evidence check list to see what needs doing there are such things doing such as writing a review of the project itself to planning the leadership sessions which we havent done yet as were planning that next week in the afternoon part of the session however we recorded over my organ piece because i was unhappy with the high and low occtives of the organ we mxed that down into the track list and thats ready for next week and i felt brilliant    

Reviewing what Freddy needs to do to complete his Arts Award

Week 23 review of work that needs doing

Unit 1

1. A friends review of your challenge.

2 Write a report on your challenge - looking at what the plan was, what you actually did, what worked ,       what didn't.


1. Research a little more about places where you can get involved in the arts, collect brochures - CSV Radio - evidence of ICR radio - link to website, pictures of Freddy at radio show

2.Summary of what your plans are for future - College - Radio - etc

All of the above to be done as Homework for easter holidays

Unit 2.1 (Arts leadership project)

1. Project plan

2. Evidence of project

3. report on project