hi there to all you music lovers and as you know over the weeks im teaching my mother the piano and cord structure so far this week we have looked at my mothers selected music piece which is Californiacation by the red hot chille peppers so far my summary is that she is picking up the chords very quickly and as a result of this it seems like the teaching is paying off.
firstly we looked at basic chords i.e. c,d,e,f,g,a,b soon after i started showing my mother how to convert a major such as the chords above into minors the formula for a basic chord is known as root 1,4,3 this is a position of the fingers a minors formula is known as 1,3,4. I had to teach minors because my mothers piece had minors in it, i soon realized that my music sheet of chords didn't help to start with because i could see my mother trying to play the chords on the sheet and not remember them to play so i turned the sheet over and we started from the top going from c chord up to b chord and down again i then said could you give me a minor an explained and taught the formula soon after we could play both major and minor .
Unexpectedly i read the chords of the music sheet without her knowing and she nailed it soon after i said "you've just completed the first verse of the song" her reaction was that she couldn't believe it soon after we then we looked at reading chords and learning to find them on the piano. all in all the day was another success and i thought that everything i taught got through which made me feel great and proud of my mother for achieving.
Todays session went really well I felt, I really enjoyed it and actually made a tune, can't wait to practice when I get home.
ReplyDeleteJo Harris (student)