Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Silver Arts Award leadership delivery report

Silver Arts Award leadership report

During my second stage of my silver arts award I had to teach somebody everything that I had learnt during the first part of my award which was to learn and cover all my targets and aims in music production, this covered studio set up to music editing and performance however to complete my silver arts award I had to pass the leadership stage of the course. Doing so I had to plan, choose and teach what I had learnt to someone who had not been educated in my profession.

My goal

My goal was to teach everything I knew about chord structure and learning a song and to get a mix down within four weeks and my view was that we managed to achieve most of that goal.

What I had to do for the leadership part of the course

My task for the leadership part of the course was to choose my student, which so happened to be my mother due to the fact that she had already undergone teaching from a previous piano teacher. she was keen to try a different way of learning which gave me the idea to show her what I know and that maybe it might help her understand music a lot more.

So i planned the weeks out for her by typing up a tuition plan and trying to cover the targets and goals following my custom made plan week by week setting time limits for each part of the sessions. The second part to the planning stage was to decide how long I would think I would need not to mention the student would need to educate and get everything across. I had decided to take the time for how long I could teach my topics which included introduction to chords and performing techniques so I thought four weeks would be an acceptable time phase to complete all the sessions in.
What went well with the sessions

Overall I thought that my teaching did get across and that we had managed to cover almost all of the set targets by arriving to the studio and cracking on with the teaching each week. Each week I would ask if there was anything my pupil struggled to understand or feel uncomfortable with which was good to know because if any problems had occurred in session they would have been solved with a solution of some kind. All in all I have enjoyed teaching my mother all of my set targets which included the basics of chord structure as this was a personal favourite of mine and still is. I like this because it  enables me to put together some awesome tunes and being able to just to get that across and understood and to see the progress my mother made is a memory i'll never forget.

What didn’t go well with the sessions

All in all there weren’t really any major problems but sometimes I felt that in some of the sessions I was beginning to worry that we wouldn’t cover most of the criteria’s in time and that occasionally time would over take us. Sometimes how I explained some of the easy topics would take awhile for my pupil to understand, which frustrated me from time to time but apart from that she did very well and everything was a success.

What would I do differently in the future

I think I would try and see if I could get more time than I had because I didn’t feel that I had enough time to teach in and it have would been nice to have recorded down the result as a record of achievement.

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